Sam the Man
JoinedTopics Started by Sam the Man
by Blueblades inchild sacrifice was never god's idea, the prophet jeremiah quoted the almighty as saying.
he never commanded it, nor did it even enter his mind for worshipers to do such a horrible thing.
yet the ugly practice arose among professedly religious people in the old testament times.
I have a lawyer in Australia interested in the BLOOD NEWS
by jwfacts inthe elders came to me last night inviting me to a meeting on the charge of apostasy.
i told them that i will not come and that if i am announced from the platform i will sue each elder involved in my case personally.
(i had been having a few end of year drinks at work just before they arrived unannounced at my door so was unusally bold and forceful) anyway today i went to the lawyer that i have been using for business dealings to discuss the situation and to ask for a letter to be drafted that i can send out to the individual elders.
13 years old boy has been baptized
by M.Bibleres in13 years old boy has been baptized!
this month i went to a circuit assembly (north/west germany) to spy what is going on and too keep me up to date with teachings and jehovah's witnesses language.
after the assembly was over i just happened to see a father congratulating his child for being baptized.
"Special Talk" being given next week about blood
by dorayakii ini just got back from the meeting minutes ago.
we had an announcement at the kh this evening that there will be a special talk next service meeting entitled "obeissons au commandement divin de nous abstenir du sang"... which means "let us obey the divin commandment to abstain from blood"
i asked the presiding overseer why the blood talk was being given so early, and not in line with the kingdom ministry schedule.
by Simon indo some of you expect?!?!.
i am extremely disappointed to read some people's comments about the latest news.
it is one thing to express and opinion, perhaps that you think it isn't as big as you imagined (one wonders what you imagined) but it is another to be downright insulting to people who have put a lot of time and effort into this.. get real.
Got dem 'ol "Big News" blues?
by sixsixsixtynine insurprisingly, i do a little.
and i wasn't even expecting that much from said "news"(certainly not a mass exodus from the org).. but, the more it sinks in, the more disappointed i am.. this was not even "news", let alone "big news".. this is one persons opinion.
an unproven legal theory, based on the same wt publications everyone has had access to for years.. will it ultimately affect the watchtower?
What is God's true organization he is using? if this not it, then point me
by amommy ini have been a jw all my life, my sister and i are now in our late twenties and are so unhappy and after desparate attempts to keep up meeting attendance are not spiritually motivated.
we in last few weeks have found some very disturbing things in our search such as the un involvement.
after research on these things and use of the wt library the society speaks for it's self on these issues calling the un the "disgusting thing" that the book of daniel spoke about(wt 85' para.
Alot of Questions regarding Jehovah God.
by Geetarfreek! inhey, i'm new here and have alot of questions i would appreciate being answered.. .
1. does god have anything against jw's playing guitar?.
2. i f i have a family member of friend that i care dearly for but they don't believe in jehovah god then surely i won't see them again after armageddon day.
by quango inmy understanding of the "big snooze" is that the essay maintains that jws have misrepresented quotes from secular sources.
is this message board not an obvious misrepresentation?
it claims to represent jehovahs witnesses (in its title)yet the vast majority of posters are anti jw and many have been expelled.